May 23Liked by Kristina God


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Do you have an opinion on sharing your Substack articles on Medium, in order to grow your Substack? The key difference for me is that the reason to join my Substack as a paid member, is for the courses I offer, and for the private podcast I curate, not the writing (which is free).

Any help you can offer is appreciated. Thank you for what you do.

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Am I the only comment's reader here?

Nonetheless...thumbs up to you who shared your experiences here.

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Mar 6Liked by Kristina God

Really interesting comments/video.

I joined Medium in 2023 so wasn't part of the $$$ glory years (they sound amazing though).

My first 6 months were tough but I've gained 5000 followers in the last 6 months and earn $700-800 each month.

The biggest value to me is the newsletter subscribers. I gain 250/month because Medium allows CTAs unlike X or Linkedin. This gives Medium such a great advantage.

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great article with a lot of useful information! Thanks for sharing

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Mar 4Liked by Kristina God

Really needs to be a complete 'menu' on substack just for how-to-get rich on substack articles, I think I have written dozens of posts on this pathetic subject, that just keeps coming up.

IMHO 'internet influencing' is the BITCOIN of social-Media, you invest (time&money/computers/ISP) in it I promise your in a fucking PONZI


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I am a newbie enjoying learning how to write on both platforms. It's so exciting when I click and see that I have earned a few dollars!

Your Online Writing School is incredible! The value way surpasses the monthly subscription. Both your lessons and the community are invaluable.

I have already proven that if you listen, learn and do the work - you will without a doubt make $$. We are so fortunate to have the input of you and other writers showing us how - thank you.🌺

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Hi Janet, what a wow worthy testimony! Thanks so so so so so so much.

I'm not sure about our Share Your Stuff section because I don't want that it feels overwhelming to open the school and then see all the stories.

Plus, many expect that I check all of them. I can't do this.

What do you think about this section? Maybe we need some housekeeping, such as 1x week you can share something. Notes is awesome. On Medium I never see a story from you... So I was thinking about subscribing to all writers from the school to give you feedback as I did with your story r recently.

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Hey Kristina, it's my pleasure 🌺

You read my mind! I have been wondering how you cope with your load and give so much to so many.

You have to conserve energy so your writing and business don't get relegated to second place.

I am also a giver and know all to well where it can go.

In my opinion- Notes is the way to go. You can explain to folks why.

Then you can follow and keep some kind of tracker, so at least once per month( (or whatever works for you) - you give each person in the school feedback.

Housekeeping could include each member of school committing to read, engage etc with at least 2 other school members per week.

Not sure why I am talking about trackers- you are the best 😂😂

Housekeeping could also explain that actively and consistently engaging with folks in school and elsewhere really moves the needle.

If it's a small amount no one will be overwhelmed.

Hope this helps 😊

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You're right about being a giver. The school opened about 30 days ago. Let's wait and see how it evolves. Super happy that you're part of it. Thanks again for being in your relevant set together with Tim Denning and Todd

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I’ve been writing on Medium for almost a month now. I honestly haven’t loved the content there nearly as much as the content on Substack as a reader. But maybe I’m struggling with their algorithm to find content I would enjoy! I have just broke even, making $5 so far, but I’m not really in it for the money. Just trying to get some reach and learn the platform right now

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Hi Maria, super that you're also on Medium. Combining it with Substack is perfect.

5 is more than I made on my first month 😂

First you need to master it, then you can play it.

Do you write about the same topics on Medium and Substanck?

How do you combine both?

I also enjoy Substack more as a reader because I find so so many valuable stories here.

As you say on Medium they are often burrows somewhere.

That's the beauty of Substack, everyone who subscribes gets your stories.

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I am not on medium. I have been focusing on Substack. I would like to learn more aboout paid subscriptions on Substack.

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Hi Charlotte, the beauty of Medium is that you can build an audience. You win followers BUT you can from day one try to convert them into subscribers!

When people fall in love with their writing, like and trust it's more likely they become subscribers (and also buy your product). As I shared inside our school, it's all about building relationships, credibility and trust. On Medium you can also build and email list. Most people don't know about this and its importance and are chasing followers.

Feel free to ask all your questions inside our school.

As shared, I'll also add tutorials for my Medium Schol to our Online Writing School and in the community you can then also meet Medium writers, such as Walter Rhein.

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Thank you for the valuable information about medium. How do you think it differs from Substack? It seems very similar. Sending thanks for your generosity.

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Hi Charlotte, I think thr main aspect is that it's not a newsletter. It's a blog. I'll share a comparison video! Thanks for the inspiration

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Thank you! I need to determine within myself if it’s worth it to also post on medium and griw that audience. Just this one is enough to handle. Lol! So I greatly appreciate all the information and knowledge you generously share. Have a beautiful day Kristina! ✨💖✨

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Hi Charlotte, I hope you have a beautiful day!

I see you A LOT on Notes. How are you faring with it? We'll soon also talk about Notes and how to use it effectively. Kristi had a viral post. Walter and Janet are experimenting with it too. Ami as well.

I'd focus on Substack, Charlotte!

When the Medium School opens you can check the videos and learn more and then see whether it's for you or not

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Their numbers sound like what I used to earn over there. Nice to see some people still able to earn.

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Hi Kristi, that's why I shared this video. Similar to what I heard from Derek. Plus, besides writing as you know I help a lot to start and grow so I see a lot o backends.

There are Boost-eligible publications, more than 100 nommers etc.

I'll share more soon.

I think your Substack VA business idea is smart though :) However, never put all eggs in one basket ^^

That's why my hubby recommended calling it ONLINE WRITING SCHOOL with Substack School and Medium School so that I can add more schools, e.g Online Course school etc.

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I make an average of $100 a month on Medium and the most I made was close to $400. I am sure if I engaged a lot more I would make more but there are also just so many hours.

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Congrats, Miriam! Now you can scale it, if you want! Next step $200.

Inside the Medium School tutorials ( we'll start witj the basics) but of course will cover all questions, you'll learn more

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Awesome. I’m looking forward to it

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Me too!

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IMO, If you’re writing quality work, Medium is very much alive. If you’re churning out generic “content,” then the good old days are over.

To me, the CEOs comments on making a full time income were more about resetting expectations than anything else, and a pushback against all the meta articles flooding the platform.

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Hi Kevin, true with "meta". I write them anyways because I'm proud of them and know many writers find them valuable. I also share meta stuff about Substack ^^ Meta is my thing because I love to "talk about" platforms, analyse them, connect with others and help them grow.

I think "expert status" is important. Walter recommended highlighting it more.

In Germany it's not business etiquette to write "MBA" on a business card.

However, based on Walter's recommendation two of my stories were nominated for a Boost ^^ I sent one of them Walter and told them that I NEVER believe they get Boosted because of xxx The same I wrote the nommer ^^ Medium = Matrix :D

I'm happy. I don't have a toxic relationship, I don't want to share case studies from my real job. I don't want to pour out my heart, I love to write business stuff and writing. I don't write for the Boost.

I write for fun, to earn some money on the side and to educate myself and others, practice in public.

Okay LOOOOONG answer, apologies :D

I know many nommers that weren't happy although they pumped out wonderful qualitiy stories . Then they became nommers that helped. New carrot. I know you're one of them too.

However, there are some who are a bit strategic and looking at it from a "meta" perspective, zoom out and see the bigger picture. I'm one of them and I'm thankful for the platform.

Let's see what will happen this year. Medium will become profitable. What's next?^^

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Nothing wrong with any of that! Being a Booster has definitely helped improve my outlook on the platform. It's also made really clear what sorts of articles are/aren't working anymore. Being an editor for a couple of pubs helps as well, since we can see the stats on stories.

There is value is certain sorts of meta stories--I read yours all the time. What I was talking about earlier are the sort of low effort/low value ones from people who were either: A) trying to sell people on something or B) Churning them out at high volume hoping each would earn a little bit. Those stories were inescapable for awhile, and made for a poor UX. I think a lot of people left the platform during that time. Can't speak for everyone, but my feed seems pretty clear of those these days.

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Hi Kevin, really? You read mine all the time? I think with Medium's new updates you often have the feeling only a few are checking in ^^ although I had some (non-Boosted) stories lately that performed really well in terms of views.

Nice that you're checking out my Medium stories.

I used to write much more about Medium's ecosystem but woth YouTube, Substack and co I only have limited time to write there but love to help others.

Here's my latest interview with Derek Hughes: https://youtu.be/tQruafjpntQ?feature=shared

Happy weekend,


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But the question is who decides what is quality content? Something drastically changed there because I don't write garbage lol. It's just waaaaay harder to get anything more than 50 views now, and this is coming from someone who used to earn those kind of dollars!

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50 views used to be 250

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Not to sound flippant, but I think the market (re: readers) does. For a long time, productivity and "health and wellness" dominated the platform, then it was meta stuff, and now it seems to be shifting away from all three.

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Think so too. Which topics do you see are trending? I think it's tech because of its strong tech origin. Personal stories, anecdotesy health news from real experts etc.

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Music, and history for sure, with other pop culture not too far behind.

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It's interesting you say that because I've never written about those topics, yet in my Medium prime I was earning VERY well. Some of my stories on grief and loss are my highest earners EVER from back in 2020/21. But I tried another one of those in November and tumbleweeds.

My biggest problem with Medium right now is that I have tons of people "subscribed" to receive new posts by email. But nobody ever sees them. So I think their subscription thing is broken. A long time ago, when I'd publish I'd immediately get at least 100 views from the same people...the ones who subscribed. But that is no longer.

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Hi Kristi, these days are gone. But same on TikTok Insta Facebook. Algo changes and you win or lose

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That could be too. I'm in the same boat--both as a writer and a reader. It got to the point that I just added a few of my favorites to an RSS feed, so I wouldn't miss anything.

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The feed is really bad...

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I think it's easy to panic when we hear people say that Medium is dead, not worth it these days or something of that kind. It isn't giving me a full-time income I love Medium and I write around my own schedule. Every dollar is very well received.

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100% What I hate are all those "gamers" on YouTube with AI content or write one story per week bla bla

If you're a writer, write! Whenver you feel like it. Long, short midform...

It's a content mill, so what?


Glad you still like it... still need to write that TV story...^^

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Mar 2·edited Mar 4Liked by Kristina God

I have friends here with around 100 followers, and 1 or 2 paid subscribers they claim their netting about $5/month

I have +1,000 subs and net zero

winning :)

don't quit your day job

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I also don't quit my job. It's smart to have multiple income streams though

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Interesting.5,000 with 100 paid subs. How much does they charge?

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4

1.) "GOD" is a hasbara bot, generates tons posts, and reads zero posts ( has zero subs ), its not a human

2.) I said my friends have 1-2 paid, and a 100 followers

I have +1,000 and get a whopping zero, zero is the new hero :)


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GOD IS DEAD - Nietzsche

God is a Hasbara Bot on Substack - bilbo

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But how can they make 5000? With affiliates and brand deals?

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Now I get it. They make 5 USD. Here on Substack or Medium? Medium =followers. Substack=subscribers

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deletedMar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by Kristina God
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Hi Lisa, that's sad to hear... How does it feel to write on Substack compared to Medium?

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deletedMar 2Liked by Kristina God
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What do you write about?

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deletedMar 3Liked by Kristina God
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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Author

Smart! And how are you faring with it (besides that you got hit by the latest updates)? It's becoming the TOP topic on Medium with the most followers

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deletedMar 5Liked by Kristina God
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Others would love to get 12K. This is still good, I think.

You have to keep in mind that Medium only counts people who stay for 30 seconds! Especially tech articles get skimmed, you look for a solution for your problem, a line of code for instance and off you go

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