My impression is that Substack promotes those who have published consistently on the platform. No idea what the magic number of weeks is but I'm slowly getting more and more traction.

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Sixteen weeks? Really?

That's where I am now and I've got so many ideas I can't keep up with myself.

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I love the writing school. I have learned a lot from Kristina, and she breaks it down so you can understand it. I am trying to get a hardworking publisher to come over here now. There are some over at Medium who are not being treated well. They need to stop and figure out what is going on. We have a recommendation program and this guy got accused of scamming for recommending.

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I am excited for Maya's interview! GREATTTTTT info as always Kristina! You really do teach Substack like no one else! You surely add a flair of excitement to it!

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Mar 30Liked by Kristina God

Just learned about the advanced layout, and I had to try it. I went all in and finished customizing it in one go. And not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud of it.

I added sections - do you even call them that? - for poetry and fiction, and added two buttons begging people to subscribe. Overall, I think things are a tad bit more cleaner now.

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Hi Kristina! I've been watching your videos on youtube for the last few weeks and I would like for you to know that you have given me the motivation to start my weekly baking newsletter. Thanks! :)

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